Gas Heating parts Gas Appliance spares

* all prices are inclusive of gst and are in australian dollar (AUD)


24 volt transformer

transformer 24 volt

$110.00 was $23.00

600mm Universal thermocouple (pak of 10)

Thermocouples in bulk


Brivis 120mj zip burner

Brivis 120mj zip burner


Brivis 506 module

Brivis cooling interface 506 module


Brivis 509 interface

Brivis Network electronic interface card 509


Brivis BX gas control

Honeywell VR8215s51206 Javlin


Brivis BX PCB

Brivis 3 star control board BX series


Brivis control module BCG

Brivis electronic control module


Brivis Electronic Control interface 519 ASSY

Network controller interface - Brivis


Brivis Flue connector

Flue Connector for HX starpro series


Brivis gas control VR8204M

Honeywell VR8204M non standing pilot gas valve


Brivis HCCA621 Controller

hcca621 controller


Brivis HCCA621 Controller (changeover)

Brivis latest control module for open flue ducted heaters - repairs code 7 fault


Brivis hi module

Brivis fan control module


Brivis Honeywell 3 pin gas control

Gas control 3 pin


Brivis Honeywell ignition Pack (change over)

Honeywell ignition pak Brivis


Brivis HSI

Hot surface igniter for Brivis Ducted Heaters


Brivis Ignition Module He models (change over)

Honeywell Ignition Module S4570LS 1026


Brivis Ignitor & Sensor

Brivis BO15379


Brivis Lo Module (reconditioned swap & go)

Lo Module for Brivis late model units save with our change over service (swap and Go)


Brivis NG 2+ Upgrade kit

Brivis NG 2+ with electrode suits Starpro and earlier models


Brivis O/heat stat

Brivis o/heat stat old style


Brivis pilot injector

Pilot injector 0.46 NG suits Brivis


Brivis room stat networker

Wall thermostat for Brivis network controller NC3


Brivis Tek 304/ PCB (changeover)

Brivis Tek 304 PCB


Brivis Tek 321 controller MK2 (change over)

Tek 321 controller


Brivis Tek 321 Mk1 (changeover)

Tek 321 Early version Mk1


Brivis transformer

Brivis 24 volt transformer - NG2


Brivis Zip Burner

Brivis Zip Burner


BrivisTek 321 - New

Tek 321 Brivis controller - last remaining stock New


Capacitor 25 Uf

Capacitor 25 uf

$99.00 was $132.00

Digital thermostat

Manual digital thermostat with large display

Product Price
24 volt transformer 24 volt transformer

transformer 24 volt

600mm Universal thermocouple (pak of 10)

Thermocouples in bulk

$110.00 $23.00
120mj brivis zip burner Brivis 120mj zip burner

Brivis 120mj zip burner

506 module Brivis 506 module

Brivis cooling interface 506 module

Brivis 509 interface

Brivis Network electronic interface card 509

Javlin Gas control Brivis BX gas control

Honeywell VR8215s51206 Javlin

Brivis BX 3star  pcb Brivis BX PCB

Brivis 3 star control board BX series

Brivis electronic control module Brivis control module BCG

Brivis electronic control module

Networker assy Brivis Electronic Control interface 519 ASSY

Network controller interface - Brivis

Flue connector Brivis Flue connector

Flue Connector for HX starpro series

VR8204M Brivis gas control VR8204M

Honeywell VR8204M non standing pilot gas valve

HCCA621 Brivis HCCA621 Controller

hcca621 controller

Brivis Hcca621 Brivis HCCA621 Controller (changeover)

Brivis latest control module for open flue ducted heaters - repairs code 7 fault

Brivis hi module Brivis hi module

Brivis fan control module

honeywell 3 pin gas control Brivis Honeywell 3 pin gas control

Gas control 3 pin

Honeywell ignition pak Brivis Brivis Honeywell ignition Pack (change over)

Honeywell ignition pak Brivis

Brivis HSI Brivis HSI

Hot surface igniter for Brivis Ducted Heaters

Honeywell S4570LS 1026 Brivis Ignition Module He models (change over)

Honeywell Ignition Module S4570LS 1026

Brivis Ignitor & Sensor Brivis Ignitor & Sensor

Brivis BO15379

Brivis Lo module Brivis Lo Module (reconditioned swap & go)

Lo Module for Brivis late model units save with our change over service (swap and Go)

Brivis NG 2+ Brivis NG 2+ Upgrade kit

Brivis NG 2+ with electrode suits Starpro and earlier models

Brivis o/heat stat Brivis O/heat stat

Brivis o/heat stat old style

Brivis pilot injector Brivis pilot injector

Pilot injector 0.46 NG suits Brivis

Brivis thermostat Brivis room stat networker

Wall thermostat for Brivis network controller NC3

Brivis Tek 304 Brivis Tek 304/ PCB (changeover)

Brivis Tek 304 PCB

Tek controller reco Brivis Tek 321 controller MK2 (change over)

Tek 321 controller

Tek321 Mk1 Brivis Tek 321 Mk1 (changeover)

Tek 321 Early version Mk1

Brivis Transformer Brivis transformer

Brivis 24 volt transformer - NG2

Brivis zip Burner 85mj Brivis Zip Burner

Brivis Zip Burner

Brivis Tek 321 BrivisTek 321 - New

Tek 321 Brivis controller - last remaining stock New

Capacitor 25uf Capacitor 25 Uf

Capacitor 25 uf

Digital room stat Digital thermostat

Manual digital thermostat with large display

$99.00 $132.00
Product Price
24 volt transformer 24 volt transformer

transformer 24 volt

600mm Universal thermocouple (pak of 10)

Thermocouples in bulk

$110.00 $23.00
120mj brivis zip burner Brivis 120mj zip burner

Brivis 120mj zip burner

506 module Brivis 506 module

Brivis cooling interface 506 module

Brivis 509 interface

Brivis Network electronic interface card 509

Javlin Gas control Brivis BX gas control

Honeywell VR8215s51206 Javlin

Brivis BX 3star  pcb Brivis BX PCB

Brivis 3 star control board BX series

Brivis electronic control module Brivis control module BCG

Brivis electronic control module

Networker assy Brivis Electronic Control interface 519 ASSY

Network controller interface - Brivis

Flue connector Brivis Flue connector

Flue Connector for HX starpro series

VR8204M Brivis gas control VR8204M

Honeywell VR8204M non standing pilot gas valve

HCCA621 Brivis HCCA621 Controller

hcca621 controller

Brivis Hcca621 Brivis HCCA621 Controller (changeover)

Brivis latest control module for open flue ducted heaters - repairs code 7 fault

Brivis hi module Brivis hi module

Brivis fan control module

honeywell 3 pin gas control Brivis Honeywell 3 pin gas control

Gas control 3 pin

Honeywell ignition pak Brivis Brivis Honeywell ignition Pack (change over)

Honeywell ignition pak Brivis

Brivis HSI Brivis HSI

Hot surface igniter for Brivis Ducted Heaters

Honeywell S4570LS 1026 Brivis Ignition Module He models (change over)

Honeywell Ignition Module S4570LS 1026

Brivis Ignitor & Sensor Brivis Ignitor & Sensor

Brivis BO15379

Brivis Lo module Brivis Lo Module (reconditioned swap & go)

Lo Module for Brivis late model units save with our change over service (swap and Go)

Brivis NG 2+ Brivis NG 2+ Upgrade kit

Brivis NG 2+ with electrode suits Starpro and earlier models

Brivis o/heat stat Brivis O/heat stat

Brivis o/heat stat old style

Brivis pilot injector Brivis pilot injector

Pilot injector 0.46 NG suits Brivis

Brivis thermostat Brivis room stat networker

Wall thermostat for Brivis network controller NC3

Brivis Tek 304 Brivis Tek 304/ PCB (changeover)

Brivis Tek 304 PCB

Tek controller reco Brivis Tek 321 controller MK2 (change over)

Tek 321 controller

Tek321 Mk1 Brivis Tek 321 Mk1 (changeover)

Tek 321 Early version Mk1

Brivis Transformer Brivis transformer

Brivis 24 volt transformer - NG2

Brivis zip Burner 85mj Brivis Zip Burner

Brivis Zip Burner

Brivis Tek 321 BrivisTek 321 - New

Tek 321 Brivis controller - last remaining stock New

Capacitor 25uf Capacitor 25 Uf

Capacitor 25 uf

Digital room stat Digital thermostat

Manual digital thermostat with large display

$99.00 $132.00

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