Gas Heating parts Gas Appliance spares

* all prices are inclusive of gst and are in australian dollar (AUD)


Braemar thermocouple wall furnace

Braemar thermocouple with o/heat cut out -wall furnace 2000


Chaffoteaux Water regulator

Water regulator suits Bayard 10 & Et Maury


White Rodgers Thermostat- programmable

Programmable room stat that dresses up any system with the latest technology


Rinnai 2001 PCB

Rinnai 2001 PCB surge protector


Vulcan Quasar fan cassette

Vulcan Quasar fan cassette


Honeywell pilot assembly

pilot assembly Honeywell


Pilot assembly Polidoro

Polidoro pilot assembly


Brivis Honeywell ignition Pack (change over)

Honeywell ignition pak Brivis


Vulcan Powerhouse PCB N1.0 ( changeover)

Vulcan Powerhouse PCB DSI N1 ( changeover)


Eurolec gas control piezo

Eurolec gas control piezo


Vulcan Powerhouse Hx/HZ pcb (CHANGE OVER)

Vulcan Powerhouse Hx/HZ pcb (CHANGE OVER)


Brivis Tek 304/ PCB (changeover)

Brivis Tek 304 PCB


Wall furnace PCB

Vulcan Bonaire wall furnace PCB


Stadht 1001 PCB- change over

Stadht 1001 PCB - change over


Vulcan wall furnace fan -Reco

Reconditioned Vulcan Quasar fan assy


Lennox combustion fan

Lennox combustion fan assembly for central heating units


Modulating control board (changeover)

Modulating control board (changeover)


Vulcan Powerhouse Control board N2 ( change over)

Powerhouse Control board N2.0 - HSI - (changeover)


Thermopile 750mv

Thermopile 750 Mv


Meduim size commercial Knob

Universal Knob


Capacitor 25 Uf

Capacitor 25 uf


Parker Solenoid

solenoid 220 volt 9 watt


Brivis Tek 321 controller MK2 (change over)

Tek 321 controller


Pyrox 14 fan assy with base plate

Pyrox 14"fan assy with base plate & wiring loom adaptor for most models


Rinnai 2000/rc90 fan

Rinnai 2000/rc90 fan


Brivis 120mj zip burner

Brivis 120mj zip burner


Brivis Zip Burner

Brivis Zip Burner


Pilot reamer

Jewellers mandrel


Braemar Thermistor

Braemar Thermistor with lead


Eurolec/Emilia Oven Thermocouple

Eurolec Oven Thermocouple - suits Emilia as well


Test tee piece

Gas test tee piece


Vulcan Spanner

vulcan srew driver

Product Price
Braemar Thermocouple Braemar thermocouple wall furnace

Braemar thermocouple with o/heat cut out -wall furnace 2000

Chaffoteaux Water regulator Chaffoteaux Water regulator

Water regulator suits Bayard 10 & Et Maury

White Rodgers Thermostat White Rodgers Thermostat- programmable

Programmable room stat that dresses up any system with the latest technology

Rinnai Surge protect Rinnai 2001 PCB

Rinnai 2001 PCB surge protector

Vulcan Fan cassette Vulcan Quasar fan cassette

Vulcan Quasar fan cassette

Honeywell pilot assy Honeywell pilot assembly

pilot assembly Honeywell

Pilot assy Polidoro Pilot assembly Polidoro

Polidoro pilot assembly

Honeywell ignition pak Brivis Brivis Honeywell ignition Pack (change over)

Honeywell ignition pak Brivis

Vulcan Powerhouse MK2 pcb Vulcan Powerhouse PCB N1.0 ( changeover)

Vulcan Powerhouse PCB DSI N1 ( changeover)

Eurolec piezo Eurolec gas control piezo

Eurolec gas control piezo

Vulcan powerhouse PCB Vulcan Powerhouse Hx/HZ pcb (CHANGE OVER)

Vulcan Powerhouse Hx/HZ pcb (CHANGE OVER)

Brivis Tek 304 Brivis Tek 304/ PCB (changeover)

Brivis Tek 304 PCB

Vulcan w/f PCB Wall furnace PCB

Vulcan Bonaire wall furnace PCB

Stadht 1001 pcb Stadht 1001 PCB- change over

Stadht 1001 PCB - change over

Vulcan Quasar fan reco Vulcan wall furnace fan -Reco

Reconditioned Vulcan Quasar fan assy

Lennox combustion fan Lennox combustion fan

Lennox combustion fan assembly for central heating units

Modulating control board Modulating control board (changeover)

Modulating control board (changeover)

Vulcan Powerhouse PCB Vulcan Powerhouse Control board N2 ( change over)

Powerhouse Control board N2.0 - HSI - (changeover)

Thermopile 750 mv Thermopile 750mv

Thermopile 750 Mv

Knob commercial Meduim size commercial Knob

Universal Knob

Capacitor 25uf Capacitor 25 Uf

Capacitor 25 uf

parker Solenoid Parker Solenoid

solenoid 220 volt 9 watt

Tek controller reco Brivis Tek 321 controller MK2 (change over)

Tek 321 controller

Pyrox fan 14 Pyrox 14 fan assy with base plate

Pyrox 14"fan assy with base plate & wiring loom adaptor for most models

rinnai 2000/rc90 fan Rinnai 2000/rc90 fan

Rinnai 2000/rc90 fan

120mj brivis zip burner Brivis 120mj zip burner

Brivis 120mj zip burner

Brivis zip Burner 85mj Brivis Zip Burner

Brivis Zip Burner

Jewellers Mandrel Pilot reamer

Jewellers mandrel

Thermistor Braemar Braemar Thermistor

Braemar Thermistor with lead

Eurolec Thermocouple Eurolec/Emilia Oven Thermocouple

Eurolec Oven Thermocouple - suits Emilia as well

Test tee piece Test tee piece

Gas test tee piece

Vulcan driver Vulcan Spanner

vulcan srew driver

Product Price
Braemar Thermocouple Braemar thermocouple wall furnace

Braemar thermocouple with o/heat cut out -wall furnace 2000

Chaffoteaux Water regulator Chaffoteaux Water regulator

Water regulator suits Bayard 10 & Et Maury


out of stock

White Rodgers Thermostat White Rodgers Thermostat- programmable

Programmable room stat that dresses up any system with the latest technology

Rinnai Surge protect Rinnai 2001 PCB

Rinnai 2001 PCB surge protector


out of stock

Vulcan Fan cassette Vulcan Quasar fan cassette

Vulcan Quasar fan cassette

Honeywell pilot assy Honeywell pilot assembly

pilot assembly Honeywell

Pilot assy Polidoro Pilot assembly Polidoro

Polidoro pilot assembly

Honeywell ignition pak Brivis Brivis Honeywell ignition Pack (change over)

Honeywell ignition pak Brivis

Vulcan Powerhouse MK2 pcb Vulcan Powerhouse PCB N1.0 ( changeover)

Vulcan Powerhouse PCB DSI N1 ( changeover)

Eurolec piezo Eurolec gas control piezo

Eurolec gas control piezo

Vulcan powerhouse PCB Vulcan Powerhouse Hx/HZ pcb (CHANGE OVER)

Vulcan Powerhouse Hx/HZ pcb (CHANGE OVER)

Brivis Tek 304 Brivis Tek 304/ PCB (changeover)

Brivis Tek 304 PCB

Vulcan w/f PCB Wall furnace PCB

Vulcan Bonaire wall furnace PCB

Stadht 1001 pcb Stadht 1001 PCB- change over

Stadht 1001 PCB - change over

Vulcan Quasar fan reco Vulcan wall furnace fan -Reco

Reconditioned Vulcan Quasar fan assy

Lennox combustion fan Lennox combustion fan

Lennox combustion fan assembly for central heating units


out of stock

Modulating control board Modulating control board (changeover)

Modulating control board (changeover)

Vulcan Powerhouse PCB Vulcan Powerhouse Control board N2 ( change over)

Powerhouse Control board N2.0 - HSI - (changeover)

Thermopile 750 mv Thermopile 750mv

Thermopile 750 Mv

Knob commercial Meduim size commercial Knob

Universal Knob

Capacitor 25uf Capacitor 25 Uf

Capacitor 25 uf

parker Solenoid Parker Solenoid

solenoid 220 volt 9 watt

Tek controller reco Brivis Tek 321 controller MK2 (change over)

Tek 321 controller

Pyrox fan 14 Pyrox 14 fan assy with base plate

Pyrox 14"fan assy with base plate & wiring loom adaptor for most models


out of stock

rinnai 2000/rc90 fan Rinnai 2000/rc90 fan

Rinnai 2000/rc90 fan

120mj brivis zip burner Brivis 120mj zip burner

Brivis 120mj zip burner

Brivis zip Burner 85mj Brivis Zip Burner

Brivis Zip Burner

Jewellers Mandrel Pilot reamer

Jewellers mandrel

Thermistor Braemar Braemar Thermistor

Braemar Thermistor with lead

Eurolec Thermocouple Eurolec/Emilia Oven Thermocouple

Eurolec Oven Thermocouple - suits Emilia as well

Test tee piece Test tee piece

Gas test tee piece

Vulcan driver Vulcan Spanner

vulcan srew driver


out of stock

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