Gas Heating parts Gas Appliance spares

* all prices are inclusive of gst and are in australian dollar (AUD)


Test tee piece

Gas test tee piece


Vulcan Spanner

vulcan srew driver


Aquamax 390 hot water unit n/gas

The best gas hot water storage unit on the market


Oven side seal 360mm

Side seal for ovens


flame roll guard

Flame roll out guard for ducted heaters


Oven seal top

Oven seal top 480mm


Oven seal

Oven seal continous type


Griller burner

Griller burner


Cooker oven fan

Oven convection fan


Pyrox Pilot injector

Pyrox pilot injector


Brivis pilot injector

Pilot injector 0.46 NG suits Brivis


Diaphram older styel Instantaneous hot water units

Diaphram older styel Instantaneous hot water units


Fan limit switch with auto reset

Honeywell fan limit switch


Fan limit switch 8

Honeywell fan limit switch with O/heat manual reset


Hot surface igniter Chef/ Electrolux/westinghouse

Hot surface igniter for new style ovens


Floor register

Floor register


Bosch hydro ignition pak

Ignition pak for Bosch Hydro


thermal cut off valve

Electromagnet thermal by pass valve


Klixon O/heat

Klixon Over heat cut out with auto reset


Klixon O/heat

Klixon O/heat cut out


Minisit Gas control

Minisit gas control


Stadht 1010 board

Stadht fan control board


Rheem Ignition Module (refurbished)

Ignition module for Rheem quick recovery


Tube & bellows

Tube & belows 38c


Thermostat robertshaw unitrol

Unitrol gas control


Rinnai fan assy 2000 series

Rinnai fan assy


Eurosit gas control rinnai 2000

rinnai space heater gas control


Glass panel for Rinnai

Rinnai glass panel


Rinnai energysaver solenoid

Solenoid for rinnai energysaver - early models only


Neon Tester

Neon tester


Griller burner with flash tube

Griller Burner with ignition tube


Bonding straps

Bonding straps

Product Price
Test tee piece Test tee piece

Gas test tee piece

Vulcan driver Vulcan Spanner

vulcan srew driver

aquamax 390 Aquamax 390 hot water unit n/gas

The best gas hot water storage unit on the market

Oven side seal Oven side seal 360mm

Side seal for ovens

Flame roll out flame roll guard

Flame roll out guard for ducted heaters

Oven seal top 480mm Oven seal top

Oven seal top 480mm

oven seal continous Oven seal

Oven seal continous type

griller burner Griller burner

Griller burner

Oven fan Cooker oven fan

Oven convection fan

Pyrox pilot injector Pyrox Pilot injector

Pyrox pilot injector

Brivis pilot injector Brivis pilot injector

Pilot injector 0.46 NG suits Brivis

HWU diaphram Diaphram older styel Instantaneous hot water units

Diaphram older styel Instantaneous hot water units

Honeywell fan limit switch Fan limit switch with auto reset

Honeywell fan limit switch

Fan limit switch with o/heat Fan limit switch 8

Honeywell fan limit switch with O/heat manual reset

HSI westinghouse Hot surface igniter Chef/ Electrolux/westinghouse

Hot surface igniter for new style ovens

Floor register Floor register

Floor register

Ignition Pak Bosch Bosch hydro ignition pak

Ignition pak for Bosch Hydro

Thermal cut out valve thermal cut off valve

Electromagnet thermal by pass valve

Klixon Over heat cut out Klixon O/heat

Klixon Over heat cut out with auto reset

klixon o/heat Klixon O/heat

Klixon O/heat cut out

Minisit gas control Minisit Gas control

Minisit gas control

Stadht 1010 Stadht 1010 board

Stadht fan control board

Rheem Ignition module Rheem Ignition Module (refurbished)

Ignition module for Rheem quick recovery

38c tube & bellows Tube & bellows

Tube & belows 38c

Unitrol Thermostat Thermostat robertshaw unitrol

Unitrol gas control

Rinnai fan assy Rinnai fan assy 2000 series

Rinnai fan assy

Eurosit gas control rinnai Eurosit gas control rinnai 2000

rinnai space heater gas control

Glass panel Glass panel for Rinnai

Rinnai glass panel

Rinnai solenoid Rinnai energysaver solenoid

Solenoid for rinnai energysaver - early models only

Neon Tester Neon Tester

Neon tester

Griller Burner with flash tube Griller burner with flash tube

Griller Burner with ignition tube

Bonding Straps Bonding straps

Bonding straps

Product Price
Test tee piece Test tee piece

Gas test tee piece

Vulcan driver Vulcan Spanner

vulcan srew driver


out of stock

aquamax 390 Aquamax 390 hot water unit n/gas

The best gas hot water storage unit on the market


out of stock

Oven side seal Oven side seal 360mm

Side seal for ovens

Flame roll out flame roll guard

Flame roll out guard for ducted heaters


out of stock

Oven seal top 480mm Oven seal top

Oven seal top 480mm

oven seal continous Oven seal

Oven seal continous type

griller burner Griller burner

Griller burner

Oven fan Cooker oven fan

Oven convection fan

Pyrox pilot injector Pyrox Pilot injector

Pyrox pilot injector


out of stock

Brivis pilot injector Brivis pilot injector

Pilot injector 0.46 NG suits Brivis

HWU diaphram Diaphram older styel Instantaneous hot water units

Diaphram older styel Instantaneous hot water units


out of stock

Honeywell fan limit switch Fan limit switch with auto reset

Honeywell fan limit switch

Fan limit switch with o/heat Fan limit switch 8

Honeywell fan limit switch with O/heat manual reset


out of stock

HSI westinghouse Hot surface igniter Chef/ Electrolux/westinghouse

Hot surface igniter for new style ovens

Floor register Floor register

Floor register

Ignition Pak Bosch Bosch hydro ignition pak

Ignition pak for Bosch Hydro

Thermal cut out valve thermal cut off valve

Electromagnet thermal by pass valve

Klixon Over heat cut out Klixon O/heat

Klixon Over heat cut out with auto reset

klixon o/heat Klixon O/heat

Klixon O/heat cut out

Minisit gas control Minisit Gas control

Minisit gas control

Stadht 1010 Stadht 1010 board

Stadht fan control board

Rheem Ignition module Rheem Ignition Module (refurbished)

Ignition module for Rheem quick recovery

38c tube & bellows Tube & bellows

Tube & belows 38c

Unitrol Thermostat Thermostat robertshaw unitrol

Unitrol gas control


out of stock

Rinnai fan assy Rinnai fan assy 2000 series

Rinnai fan assy

Eurosit gas control rinnai Eurosit gas control rinnai 2000

rinnai space heater gas control

Glass panel Glass panel for Rinnai

Rinnai glass panel


out of stock

Rinnai solenoid Rinnai energysaver solenoid

Solenoid for rinnai energysaver - early models only

Neon Tester Neon Tester

Neon tester

Griller Burner with flash tube Griller burner with flash tube

Griller Burner with ignition tube

Bonding Straps Bonding straps

Bonding straps


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